dannyH She said
"what's Greenland got to do with the price of tea in China?"
And then she was gone...
dannyH Welcome back. At least it shows you've got a life. 010521
sabbie but i just saw sid go out the back for a cig. he'll be back in an minute and then we can go on breathing.

hang on, the rides about to start...
DannyH yeah, Flo exploring his feminine side I suppose. ::disturbing mental image appears inside head:: We've both got an alias or two to spare our blushes. How many can you spot? care to confess to any? I guess that's what who_am_I is for. 010523
dannyH Oh and to that damned elusive pimpernel: Use_underscores in the word box. 010523
Anaesthetic Me too 010525
DannyH Very nearly. Sorry I missed you. Did I read somewhere that you were Australian? If so your late night blathers might collide with my lunchtime ones. 010525
nocturnal time zones conphooze me. 010525
flo i have several identities, but none of them are the same person, oh, and as for that flo/alberta confusion i was to stoned to remember which multiple had the reins. 010526
flo oh and welcome back from me also, i've missed the ghost in the machine. 010526
DannyH Where are we from if you don't recall correctly?

Are you lurking here as someone else or did you leave again?
DannyH I guess that answers my question. 011108
what's it to you?
who go