typhoid early morning scent of school
nose super_tuned
mind over_wired
dry_erase simplitude
tourist I once considered this an essential component for hitch hiking gear, Any scrap of paper and a magic marker was a ticket to ride. Usually my signs were simply a direction; north-south-east-west, so as not to put any real demands on the traffic stream, but under extreme conditions, like not getting a ride for 12 hours,or being backed off the on ramp by Officer Freindly, or being one of twenty hitch hikers in the middle of nowhere, I would write "OUT OF HERE" , or the always fruitful "WILL PAY TOLLS" (that was along a turnpike in Maine just before a rain at dusk. 001130
Piso Mojado i could feel the change as we started up the mountain. magic in the air, in me, in my friends. the fog was thick, the car lights flashing wildly against the close walls of rock on either side of us, the reckless speed of the driver around the curves, the bright moon (3/4 full) glaring at us through clouds, over fog covered terrain, then disappearing behind mountain, the man in the moon apprearing again upside down, sideways, on the other side of the car.

we live one mile above sea level- one mile closer to raw sun and moon (no layer of smog up here)
what's it to you?
who go