yummychuckle my magic eight ball
whispers that i should

ask you again....later.
ClairE "What? I can't read what it says."

Lots of shoving.

"There's too many bubbles! I can't read it! Dude, what did you do to my Magic 8 ball?!"

Someone holds the ball out of harm's way while the rest of the group starts arguing.

"I think it says...ask...again...later."
yummyC I GOT ONE!
ha! ha! Now I have something to make all my decisions for me! (just kidding, you know I wouldn't REAAALLY depend on one).

it told me it was a real fire when the alarm at my school went off. AND IT WAS.
*gives a knowing smirk**
e. z. e. yeeeeah, i gots dat shit rollin, yo 020213
phil Magic 8 ball, is there? 020213
phil magic 8 ball tells you what you want to hear, reality is based upon your perceptions. 020213
phil the only question now, is what are your perceptions based on? 020213
yummyC I asked and it said "my sources say yes".

however the 8 ball denied having any sources.
Banky "...NOT FUCKING LIKELY!" 020224
Casey You panzy! Why the fuck don't you just go out and make your own destiny instead of rolling and shaking me around all the damn time?! You give me a fucking headache! 020331
beorn admit it all of you keep asking until you get the answewr you want
best of 3
best of 5
best of 7............... yeah you get it

much better than the magic_8_ball
andru235 outlook hazy
try again later
To all those who SHAKE NEVER SHAKE THE BALL...respect the ball. Gently TURN the ball for the answer. 061030
someone you know *SNIFF*


puffle This is MY website get off! 080430
what's it to you?
who go