methinx He's got my vote. C'mon people, just think what he could do with job.... 040928
p2 you mean
piss on the world
like he pisses on blather
without caring how others think
or feel?


just because you may agree
with his politics
doesn't make him right
in what he does

plenty of conservative christians
agree with dubya
doesn't make it right
for him to decide on abortion rights for women
or marriage rights for homosexuals
methinx I never said I agreed with him on anything.

Can you imagine his presidentail speeches though? You gotta admitt, that would be something to see.

He couldn't possibly do worse than bush is now, and it would most likely keep him too busy to keep "pissing on blather", as you say.

Show me one Why_not....

And the rest of the world is fucked anyway, who cares who else pisses on it? 040928
kx21 War_president around_and_across the_images_of_'Americans'?

:) Amen. 040928
p2 brilliant
amputate the body
to save the arm

and his speeches would be atrocious
i can show one why not
can you tell me how wonder i am?
methinx The body is already dead, as far as I can see. 040928
kx21 G_i_v_e_n__across_the_U_n_i_v_e_r_s_e___... 040928
. * Never_slighting_Bodhisattva * 040928
Thus have I read / heard "I dare not slight you, for you shall all become Buddhas." 040928
p2 whatever
i doubt you actually believe that
but believe what you want
go ahead and don't vote
because if the "body" is dead
:) Amen. 040928
whitechocolatewalrus [no] 040928
why not "You_Bet"

sameolme a spam in every pot 040929
god better him than bush 040929
kx21 iLink:-

e.g. XYZ_and_abc 040929
... * UN21 * 050203
123 ... 050323
mon uow kx21 for kx21 050323
eliza is_god_watching_over_her 050330
Oops.. Why_not? 050418
what's it to you?
who go