Ouroboros wide awake 5 hrs before I must leave to take trains from one east coast metropolitan city to another. questions that plague me include: did she lock both the front door and back door making it impossible for me to leave without waking them up at 6am? how is so addicting? and when will i begin to feel tired?

Other factors played into my being wide awake right now- sleeping in late, coffee, physical inactivity.

Oh let me sleep
Ouroboros at 330am and no sign of tiring 071014
screw go down the lane and talk to a serial adulterer, hes got all the answers ! 071014
screw "did you have a good trip around India"

what the FUCK are you talking about ?
"i went home"

you talk a load of babble you walking hormone.

and now i have a twisted ankel from a bitch that hates her life, do i look bitter that i am not in London or something ?

no, i leave a shit hole dark place where i am sad to a better life in the sunshine and don't ask me why more people don't do that when the are depressed.
so i have come back to fininsh what i have started, then i will decide what the fuck i will do.

good bye, eat sugar.
what's it to you?
who go