frAnk you are a long time 'skite and possess a wealth of knowledge regarding the history of blather. your posts are detailed and personal and incite an interest beyond the screen to a place where emotion is covered with flesh.

currently you are heading up involvment in the red blather journey book project.
how is that going?

over the years of your involvement here, what main things have you seen take place that have been positive for all of us that participate in this community?
peyton The red journey book goes well! Sign up if you haven't! I know it probably won't be as nice as the blue one, but I am ripping off the idea after all.

Umm.. I think I will skip the next question to avoid any of the burning plasma death hatred that I so consistantly seem to collect. ;)

I haven't been here that long either. Only about a year and a half. I know silentbob and daxle and unhinged and birdmad all have me beaten.
peyton I wonder what ever happened to frAnk 031014
peyton I still wonder. 041101
. red: crOwl 041102
what's it to you?
who go