dipperwell Honour.

The honour in getting a girl by treating her right, even when treating her like shit might get the job done faster, even when she might drop you for a guy who cheats on her and forces her into a threesome, because you won't debase yourself just to finish the race first.

The honour in being a scholar; that it is not about your profs sucking or your GPA or your future salary, but the greatness of learning, from the wing size of aphids to the cave of Plato; the wonder of seeing the universe lucidly for the complex organism it is.

The honour in taking the time to say "But it's subjective" or "Granted, it may only apply to Western civilization" or "most" instead of "all" or "generally" instead of "always" because you don't cut the corners off the truth just because lies sound better.

The honour in telling others what they have the right to know, not what you think they need to know, because although it's your decision to make, it is their judgement call.

The honour in being nice not out of obligation, even though the homeless guy and the waitress and the lost dog may never be able to reward you, but because in all their flaws they deserve better than the usual crap.

When our aspirations become shallow, our means of achieving them follow suit (and vice versa).

what's it to you?
who go