Friend of Speeegles plaplaplapla! ahahaha!!!! 071105
somebody I pity you, but I know it isn't your fault that your IQ is only 60. 071105
double tipped i don't pity you.
i hate you.
in fact, i wish you die.
it's obvious you've never been beat up.
you're scum.
your stupidity makes me sick.
if the world was fair,
you'd be institutionalized
and raped.
some people choose to create
and inspire ideas.
but you're empty.
you inspire hatred and disgust.
you're worthless.
somebody I must agree with Doubletipped that you do inspire disgust. You go on long rants about the injustices of the world, then you come here and pollute our word-loving site with juvenille dungheaps. You are a hypocrite, and you undermine your own cause. I still pity you, but I understand why Doubletipped hates you. 071105
. good_nonsense_vs_bad_nonsense 071105
From another blathe... "No point in wrecking this little site of ours, this little place of for those of us who *do* love words, simply because you do not. How petty would that be! Petty, and a waste of your own time, if you are so very bored of words." 071105
Friend of Speeegles Oh yes ! a fan_club YIPPPPPY!!! ahahaha!!!! 071106
dismayed secretly you hate yourself,
i know you don't actually laugh
when you type ahahaha,
inside, a part of you cries,
for you are yet human,
needing love and affection,
your actions insult only yourself,
squishyfish squishyfish 101205
what's it to you?
who go