spiffy yesterday i flung meat. it was fun. i was hungry and was asking my mom what there was and well basically i ended up really wanting to take a piece of ham and throw it. i know, i'm weird. i just really, really wanted to. so i finally convinced my mom that it would be good if i could throw food around the house so she allowed me to fling some ham. what i really wanted was for it to stick to the wall. i took it and smashed it against the wall to see if it would stick. it fell on the couch. so then i was sitting there just holding it and i was eating and my mom asked me if i had flung it yet.

"no it's on my leg." was my reply. i then looked at the mirror and thought that maybe ham would stick to glass better than it would stick to wall. so i threw it. it went splat on the mirror and then fell to the floor. it left a ham print on the glass.

i picked it up and sat back on the couch and thought some more. i then decided that i could keep myself entertained by throwing up to the ceiling and catching it for a while. i missed and it fell on the ground and my dog ate it. i was sad.

i got another piece and tried again. i then decided that i wanted it to land on the ceiling fan, but i had terrible aim and couldn't get it to land where i wanted it. so finally i just placed it on the ceiling fan. i left it there and i am still waiting for it to be noticed.

yes this is true, and yes i know i am weird.
kookaburra this sounds really, really fun.
however, i have no ceiling fan.
i tried to shred paper in a regular fan, but all it did was crumple the paper.
so, i guess no fan fun for me...*sigh*
u24 lol@ham print 040721
suicidalchinadoll this reminds me of how i spent my summer... 050101
minnesota_chris that's a cool mom, who will understand the necessity of flinging ham once in a while... 050102
what's it to you?
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