silentbob fucking loves you YAY!!! this is the bestest package EVER!!! it has this beautiful shirt that has a heart + a razor blade = emo!!! i love it so very much, and connected to it are TWO COUNT THEM TWO BEAUIFUL ALKALINE TRIO BUTTONS!!! also included are cds, scattered_fall and rancid stickers, and lots of red meat cutouts!!!! DAXLE IS THE BEST KITTEN IN THE WHOLE WORLD 021021
daxle yay! i'm glad it got to you so quick... i was afraid it would take forever like usual so i figured i'd just let it be a surprise. happy kitten day! 021021
Dafremen Geez she just emailed me and it wasn't even very happy stuff. (I was so looking forward to happy stuff.)

Oh well, I guess you get what you give.

(I emailed an online friend my extra modem once and got deer jerky in return...does that count?)
silentbob yeah and its my birthday a week from today 021021
Dafremen : ) I love birthdays.

P.S. This is second to the last thing I blather here besides finishing the insights series.


You guys were right. I was wrong. Gloating is acceptable, expected and earned.
daxle we didn't answer this post, and we didn't answer the one mentioned, because we knew you were full of shit.
howz that for insights d0od?
what's it to you?
who go