splinken what the fuck is this?

who sent you??
The Schleiffen Man stay thee from my hotmail spam-demon 001017
silentbob have you got anything without spam in it?
Lovely spam! wonderful spam!
startfires with eyeliner 001018
Orange not allowed to sorry,

I prefer war paints and guns that Slater you so that you look like a clown!

find the broken wond and say Mix Selecta. C he's just a silly boy,
what the fuck are you doing in MANchester? I'm going to Egypt, fuch Manchester, oh but oh don't forget Cilla and those special, shining stars called the Beetles!

chuck a stone in de river and make a wish butt Rob C Rob don't go to Spain without me. I fancyed you when I was five, but you don't remember me! your in a few of those super 8s ya know!
remember Francessca? Elise ? ummm...
who else Jake? I don't think Jake remembers me even now but Elise knows him still.
can I come to hospital with you RobCRob? and Kelly that was one hell of an Ear Ache. i hate myself for it.

it looks like a frog has been born.
not god chuck norris doesn't sleep... he waits.

what's it to you?
who go