endless desire like writer's block but worse. when you just don't have anything to say anymore. ((nevermind)) ((numb))
anybody have a cure?
x it's ok to be quiet 030624
Sparticus we need not speak all the time

silence speaks volumes
endless desire something i am learning.
but there was always something wrong with silence.
i appreciate it but would never want to embrace it.
no reason i find a comfortable silence to be one of the nicest things ever. 030625
someone said it somewhere once. i have often regretted my words
never my silence
endless desire no. i've regretted my silence. there are times i should have spoken up and haven't. there are always things i wish i would have said. things i should have said but didn't. 030629
User24 that's true. 030629
silentbob . 030629
endless desire i have nothing to say anymore. 031006
megan take a journey into the real world
the real world
taste, touch, feel, smell
when you have collected the samples of life that are worth sharing
bring them back and thumb tack them to these blue walls for all to read and learn from and truely appreciate
what's it to you?
who go