Pollute The Blather Location with aching news: Crazy_Frog dead after Atkins dieters take him for kill. All Frog eaten but penis tossed out... Reporter: "So why was the penis tossed out?" Atkins Dieter: "Actually, it was not just the penis but the whole genitalia, it's in the bin down there" *pointsdown_alleyway" Reporter: "You didn't answer my question, why was the--" A.D.: "Well, it was rather smelly, you see, despite Crazy Frog's high-pulse, outdoor living. It must be because he's amphibian." Reporter: "You do realize there may be repurcussions from Jamster Company." A.D.: "Actually we consider that unlikely. Warner Bros. killed off their frog and they still make a profit from the cartoons; likewise Jamster can electronically reproduce Crazy Frog whenever they want. Postmodernism rocks!" Reporter: "What about the hard parts?" A.D.: "The cartiledge? Froggy bone soup for our pets!! And us Atkins Boys ate the rest, even the wierd gelationous stuff, you can add salt, suger and oil to anything you know!" Reporter: "On behalf of all Britianers, Us of Channel 1 thank you greatly...just don't tell the kiddies, they made a plush toy of that blusted_frog!" "Quick, turn the camera: my God, a three-foot rat's making away with the penis, right out of the dumpster, my God..." Crazy Frog's dead. No afterlife. Ha-ha! -*Tune Out*-