Mahayana silentbob, yummychuckle, mahayana, unhinged...

[{what happens when you limit access to blather, what happens when four very diff people have to share one house, one computer, one pot bellied pig}]
what happens... what happens...

[{odd sort of cross section}] :perhaps:
silentbob i think we would all share in a free_love environment of orgies and feasting. Good god that would be fun 020429
yummychuckle silentbob, yummychuckle, mahayana, unhinged...

I think I'd be that immature drama queen and end up getting in a fistfight with silentbob for the computer screaming that alkaline trio sucks and other such nonsense.

then when unhinged tries to help out, I'd scream at her about how she took the good bed and I need the big bed for all my blather_guests ;)...
and i think mahayana would probably be the only one to get me to shut up, truthfully.

but actually....
I would be so excited about being trapped in a house with you guys that i would just run in circles with this goofy smile on my face.
unhinged me and bobby would make out all the time
i would probably scream at yummychuckle a lot
i would look at yana and not say a word
Dafremen Oh yea...I'm DEFINITELY coming up with the GAME SEGMENTS...Buwahahahahaha! 020430
what's it to you?
who go