for stacey you will make some sense of this

it's funny the loneliness we share
splash of orange of course.

now, into your seemingly blocked fireflying mind
i really wanna crawl.

i wanna peel those layers,
peel them peel them
just peel them all

[oh and don't worry so much about boundaries, because my imagination doesn't seem to think they're necessary.]
ever dumbening i have scared myself into silence, inaction. the clutter surrounding aggregates into piles of cliches scattered about the floor, until they're all i see. i go for a walk, the raindrops are equally as stunned as i.

a sturdy brown box times it's own journey and meets me as i reach my door. it contains an old year and a half whose magic has weakened with time.

i only have so many ankles to offer to the bear traps of my own design.
.fallen well.... it hasn't really been a secret at all .... but it is a glorious journey indeed 040303
Nikita so where can we find david? 040303
Nikita I think david got lost 040407
what's it to you?
who go