daxle the entry about artie under freak reminded me of my early adolesence, and caused me to have nostalgia for my youth- something I always hoped would end soon when I was a kid
my friend erin used to say she was most afraid of growing up, but I thought she was silly because I thought you could get your driver's liscence and a job and be like a kid still, but responsibility is not the source of freedom
when you start accepting the standards that your earlier people accepted, simply because the people before them accepted them, then you might as well be dead
there goes your mind
the big guys with the stinky pits and pumpkins on their heads and all the "adults" are our enemies, and we better beat them before we have to join them
MollyGoLightly I had the biggest crush on Big Pete...what a dreamboat...that show is what my dreamlife is like--where iggy pop is my dad and we bond at the luscious jackson dance... 000515

also, go see "Snowday"
Stu the Bus Driver Passengers will kindly refrain from KILLING MY SOUL! 011030
Kristopher Well, now, here's a grand treat. *L*

Artie!!! The Strongest Man!


I remember the episode Artie went away. It was upsetting.

Goodbye, my Little Viking. . .
what's it to you?
who go