monee i don't know how to fix myself

i keep trying to figure it out

sometimes i think i have a plan

but i don't know if it'll work

i feel broken, i feel cracked

i don't know if i can be fixed

i watch pictures from sudan floating
around a tv it is telling me look you
ain't got it so bad you should be happy

so why_am_i_sad

i have a plan

i have a plan

i have a plan

i just have to make it

to make it i just have to

make it (h - a - p - p - e - n
mon uow whatever_happens 050320
oneiros uh uh

plans fail

i feel broken because i was made broken

i was made broken, i was made to be broken and all my plans have failed

i'm waiting to die and wont kill myself because i'm afraid of dying

i was made broken and all my plans have failed and i know it

i have nothing to look forward to

i am not unique, and we are important

we dont often give something, but when we do its big

the broken cog is an integral part of the machine; irony ensues
rage like a brbroken cd thatats skkipping
over and over and over and over again

like ive been stamped on and left without the energy to move

like ill sit here in black space forever

what's it to you?
who go