silentbob Bobby,
So, I see it has come to this.
You. The tongs. But where do I fit into the big
picture? Not to be selfish, but once the tongs are
available... there's simply no telling. No. I am
truely and deeply devastated. These tongs are too
heavy, my dear friend and comrade. Many a scone, (aka
diseased pod...[refer to ExistEnce]) has been
purchased via tong... Yea! many a muffin has been
manipulated for the sole purpose of profit with these
corrupt and sodden tongs. Dirty dirty tongs, where
are you now? You are within reach... and it tears me
in two. But enough! The mention of tongs is too
much! But the silence- the silence is madness! Oh!
Aching cruel pain! Oh! Sufferage which aboundeth
within this harbinger of sorrow-this TONG! Nay! And
again I say- NAY! I shall not allow it! I spit upon
your tongs! I forbid you to defile yourself with this
vessel of corruption and corporate greed! I ask you
this- how many a llama must give its life to justify
this sick obsession? As a representative of the life
for llamas foundation (LFLF) I must boldly state in
representation of my client(s)- IT MUST END!!
and on that note, I have to admit... I am completely
sane, and everybody else is crazy. I suspect that it
is possible you are among the sane, so if you follow
my urgent plea, then I beg of you- help me in the
fight to free the llamas from tong-captivity!!
All my sugar-sweet soggy dripping love,
what's it to you?
who go