bob chemisty. mmmm. methinks fish are tasty.
adam cubes tumbling down over my veins as i seize this moment with an ounce or so of powdered abandon. 990218
leslie is a word health foods use so it looks like they don't contain sugar. also infused (?) into corn syrup by some chemical process, i.e. high fructose corn syrup. 990528
Quintessensual No, no, my dear! There is no infusion. The fructose comes from the syrup itself. When corn syrup is treated with certain enzymes, the various polymeric sugars in it are broken down and yield, among other things, the monomeric sugar fructose. So in the end the mess is "high fructose corn syrup." The high fructose level of the end product is considered desirable for some applications. 991116
MollyCule will be the death of me someday 000517
flyingreddeath fructose was lactose intorelant
so he died
Toxic_Kisses is in everything now adays (yUcK!)
and is yet anotherthing I try to avoid eating/drinking
magicforest I'd like to fruck your tose. 031019
The ****** Man fructose is good for you and them.

I'm not even going to touch the toes comment....because I keep imagining blenders for some reason
misstree am i correct in the thought that fructose is the "good" sugar, the one our bodies actually know how to break down? (as opposed to "refined" sugars) 031027
Death of a Rose you be in the right lane.

sorry, just got back from b_to_the_lather page

smack smack,

oh damn, the space bar has caught on my braces again.
magicforest the next best thing since c6h12o6 031027
what's it to you?
who go