Grievance Love chases me bare foot through the dark rainy streets
I see it blur past the street lights
Hear it's labored breathing
Just to touch me
But I wait (and run), when it will last forever.
Just one more night in the open, one more night on the run
That's all, that's all......
Then I can be unhappy
in my big white house
with my fancy car
and my loathsome job... loathsome life.
All for a beautiful wife;
who'll probably grow fat, as I do.
Who'll grow cenile and stupid, as I do.
We all grow materialistic
Then I'll say, "What was it all for?"
The future has empty hands for me.
Who will accept defeat, Who will love denial?
Serve community, do all that is good.
Flood your memories, with false smiling pictures.
So the past is always better
yearn for a better place,
yearn to be first in this race, (Ignore all the helpless people, on the sides
of the course)
Last to Love to be happy?
Couldn't please everyone, couldn't even please myself.
what's it to you?
who go