Ouroboros did you know? 090114
jane i have a box that says so. 090114
ancient realize too, the_world_is_bound_with_knotted_secrets 090114
Ouroboros knots_are_bound_with_secret_worlds 090130
Strideo and forget not that secret_worlds_are_bound_with_knots
. disguised in stomachs everywhere. 090130
unhinged nothing a good deep breath or ten can't dissolve 090130
z what does this mean? 090130
() (i sometimes feel like there is a parallel reality, inhabited by people around me, where the obvious is obscure and the obscure, obvious. should i be able to parse blathes like this?) 090130
jane there is an underlying meaning 090130
() (does it require arcane knowledge to apprehend it?) 090130
jane depends on your perspective 090130
unhinged karma 090130
In_Bloom Are you a knot
A thread
Some lint
Unspun yet?
ergo Spun on a spindle of space
Know knots drop on my face
Ouroboros ()- title comes from an exhibit from the_museum_of_jurassic_technology

I like the implications- we are all bound up together in ways that will or won't reveal themselves
*ikonaj* and i am bound with you.

this space is for returning to when i am blue with you, blue sunning and mooning. with all the scavengers never known to be had.

you are my
secret box, pandora
and i only know
how much.

is not.

stone, unfeeling.
the night sky, always present but blinded halfly.
you. moonskulled.
pain, glass-shards.
(or is that me? vile, this comparision)
unhinged and then sometimes they unravel all at once
and it's not such a secret anymore
h|s|g what was that story with the sword.. and the knot gordion something? 101230
Ouroboros alexander_the_great 101230
Ouroboros and still, i find this, that the_world_is_bound_with_secret_knots, tying me (in)to contexts hitherto unknown. 121008
what's it to you?
who go