nomme emptiness is longing 030804
ferret the eyes are boring into my neck 030804
ferret i_died_today 030819
Strideo i_died_today 2
and i didn't get the high score
hey now! nothing will ever change

i will never be able to share something so small with you without it turning into some deep, meaningful conversation
then a debate
then an argument
then one of both of us in tears
all because i shared something insignificant

maybe i just shouldnt speak unless spoken to
notme this_feeling will kill me
before i can kill it
monee it's all gonna be okay, maybe 041228
.nom i've said all this before 050123
Deomis I'll never see you again.
It makes my throat tight
and makes the worms writhe
inside my stomach.
But after that comes dread
and then the feeling
that I never want tommorow to come.
milo i may never be the same
for i have
payed attention
to the voices inside of
my head

that said:
milo never rest
never be at ease
even after dead
you cannot escape
your dark
what's it to you?
who go