squint is insane so the one time someone actually plans me a surprise party, i ruin it by having an airplane to catch RIGHT before its about to start. So the coordinator, who is my best friend by appearance, told me cus she was disappointed and i felt like crashing because, here are like 50 people that want to show up at a party for me and surprise me and make me feel happy and give me going away gifts...but instead i have to catch a plane...and everyone finds out only the night before
and all this planning
is fucked
because of me...
and I want to cry because it was so considerate of everyone, but they wouldn't mean any of it and if they do, I'm wrecking everything.

i have never had a surprise party before.

and parties in my name are only for birthday and its never a big deal...

I don't know.

i feel like i ruinned everything.
phil they should have fun without you. 020521
justgoingforashortvacation is that legal? that shouldnt be legal. 020522
bethany poor poor planning best friend of squint

i have never had a suprise birthday party
when i turned 13 my mom forgot my birthday and brought me to the town pasta place and told me to go to the bathroom, like i was supposed to be surprised when there was a waitress with a candle in a canolli?
what's it to you?
who go