what are the top five events of your life this year?
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define success...
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in your post, sunburn, you mentioned "god's math." please explain what that is? who is your god?
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events- i dont want to post on the net. however i will define success: the ability to dance in_and_out of patterns physically_mentally_and_emotionally with perfect agility and awareness.
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nice...excellent food for thought. you seem to be someone i would love to hang out with. thanks.
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i read on blue that you were eating lentils. very cool. i'm a total foodie. does your diet consist of more such interesting foods? if so, what?
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lots. herbs. organics. rawish... more raw anyway. local. veganesque. oils. good oils. 14_0 carbon_chains.. coconuts mystical myristicins. brain_tonics and ginsengs. you lit thoroughly the candle light and delight in cayenne. Paprika and Allicin, Ginger and Dandelion. Green_powders, kelp, dulse, green_vibrance, spirulina. bentonite_and_psyllium appleseeds and raw almonds smuggled in through the underground black_market (just_kidding) B17, hydrogen_peroxide sunlight and vitamin_wordplay fasting deep_breathing water.. clean, filtered. one day i'll get to the springs and drink from underground waters.. sweet structured water like a clean slate of a blackboard standing by for information. nutmeg.. it's a food, i think. lately i've been shopping in the INSIDES of stores. changed my diet about eight years back. my attitude, health, well_being, emotions... all changed for the better. thoughts cleared. lots. i don't feel drugged like i used to when i used to eat these... "products".. these "items" these things that don't grow. speaking_of_which kombucha... some still sitting in my fridge from months ago.. amazingly resilient stuff.. tea, green.. yerba_mate bread, organic, nuts and berries and hippie_droppings in it, preferably the expired kind with a big black Sharpie X on the packaging from Small_Planet_Bakery.. i donate a few bucks to them and eat the garbage they can't sell... still, i could give you 86 pounds of books depicting the finer arguments as to why it's healthier than fresh-on-the-shelflife white_bread that's inside a super-mega-ultra-market. or healthier carcinogenic_cow_pus_on_steroids for that matter. cayenne_pepper soaked in olive_oil for the last four months is absolutely delicious. having it on my toast now. sea_salt (yes it has iodine) and dulse. tumeric... LOTS of the bright yellow stuff- it reminds me of the Sun and i'm convinced the sun is made of love. that and it's anti_inflammatory and anti_carcinogenic... apoptotic inducer and whatnot. grapeseed_oil red_wine peanut_butter resveratrol, caffeine, those bitters which grow on the outside of plants so as to not be compromised by the lower orders of intelligence. which leads me wonder: are there bitters (alkalines) of which we do not readily prefer the taste maybe suggesting our intelligence may not be ready for? and if so, and if i am more considerate and more gentle with my judgment, will my tastes bud? i eat about 4000 kcals/day average.. im 5'5, a buck thirty, busy little bugger, always up a about like a bee. Strong as guys twice my size. i'm actually on a (CR) calorie_restriction diet and have managed to slow down my mitochondria after many years of doing_more_with_less. this had led to many personal_insights for which I_AM continuously grateful. i found that the amount of appreciation and_or gratitude i have compared to items i own or desires is akin to happiness. also, and more importantly, my willingness to put out effort_and_energy compared to taking it in is also happiness. i call it "playing". mitochondria have greater cleanliness and less ash left over and greater transcription accuracy when there is a lot of playing in ratio to eating. in fact, lef.org life_extension_foundation calorie_restriction dot_org crsociety etc have found that "...beyond what is necessary for basic nutritional requirements.. a kilocalorie is equal to approximately 30_seconds of human_life" my thoughts: food is there as evidence to collective_intelligence that we indeed have done just that: collected_intelligence, gone places, seen things, had fun. variety_is_key Americans average something like 18 types of food per week. Japanese something like 100. According to my philosophy (that we should go far and taste different things) the Japanese are way ahead of US. yumm.. food
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i'm stunned to actually know someone so close to the way i feel about and have learned to use food. we are definitely traveling down the same roads. i believe in wholeness as it relates to what parts we need to make up the whole. it all fits inside. i have eaten or heard of everything you mentioned and have grown much of it, including wheatgrass. also very experienced in sprouts and rejuvalic(fermented wheatberry). wow. your life philosophy is both impressive and inspiring. i'm excited to learn more about you. so you're a busy little bugger. what do you do as you play? you didn't mention the cacao bean
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i ate cacao yesterday in a grapefruit smoothie! haha!! cool. i play.. hmm.. i bicycle a lot, crochet hats, climb random shhhtuff. practicing ninjitsu and_or being punched in a femural pressure_point yesterday hard enough to send me flying 5 foot to my right... dude wanted to make sure i remembered where it was 'cause i forgot.. gotta love dedicated instructors. he had me do it on him to show me that he was no better than me and it was also a sign of deference... like for each painful attack he did on me i was to do it on him threefold- such is the dedication.. not sadistic though.. but purely for instruction. wheat_grass YAY!!! check out Green_Vibrance. ive used it on_and_off for a few years now. whole_foods has it. you know about b17?
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sure. for many years. just one more vital part we need to provide the body with wholeness. i love how the body works. how it uses what the earth provides to support, energize, and heal in such a colorful, textural, variety of tasty, interesting sources. i'm turning 50 this year and possess a nearly endless supply of energy. i work at a ski school during the winter (i teach more lessons than any other instructor) and the rest of the year run a gardening business by myself, sunrise to sunset. real food is health. it's that simple. you can't get cancer if your body's nutritional needs are met. but you know all that. yet, people are blinded and scared by their own government which is in bed with chemo companies, into ridiculous treatments(banning B15/17) which take their money and eventually kill them. it's sad. i've lost friends and family members to diseases that could have been cured. and so we are the ones who live to be the example. point the way. provide info and answers. because i believe wholeness depends on the spirit/soul uniting with the body. pressure points, massage, reflexology, oh...so much goodness. i love to just reach out and squeeze somebody. touch the world.
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truth_is_beautiful th_is why'm unafrID (-:-)
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my friend wrote this book: high_frequency_food http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/high-frequency-food/7425042
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Put the superfood and greens in the coconut and 'drink' it all up...!
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thanks for the green vibrance suggestion. i was thinking about changing from barley green. what are hippie droppings?
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Have you heard of C.P.Snow's "Two Cultures?" Its thesis was that the breakdown of communication between the "two cultures" of modern society — the sciences and the humanities — was a major hindrance to solving the world's problems. what are your feelings about science and art? do they intersect? connect? how about in your life?
what's it to you?