tyler waters so you've locked yourself in?
gave the key to a man
a couple thousand miles away

when your lonliness breaks you
if only through a book or your mind
or heaven forbid with a man
who's name you do not yet know
when your lonliness breaks you
i will be alone.
As I was last night.
As I will be tomorrow night
As I will be every night in the not-so-distant future.... No. Forever.
neonturtle how dare you turn my loving happy relationship into a rant about how lonely you are...i wont feel sorry for you, you get enough of it from yourself. 041108
tyler waters I apologize.
I was sad.

Don't feel sorry for me.
These writings are my own form of therapy.

Like I was really sad when I wrote that... it was after you'd left to have breakfast. Heh.. and ya know what? you made me all happy again after you brought me back something.

Still lonely though..

But whatever.. Im really sorry..
neonturtle Love, my friend, is a dangerous angel. 050130
what's it to you?
who go