sixteen ...I can't remember who this is. I'm pretty sure its a blatherskite. I'm pretty sure its also a coincidence that my friend Aaron's brother is named James Cotter (lives on the mainland somewhere so I've never really met him). Or maybe its not a coincidence because I DON'T know anyone named James Cotter. 030806
Strideo if he were here now we could say "Welcome back" . . .

carcharadon megaladon or maybe you just know i don't like having my name mentioned on blather? 030806
sixteen no, fuck, who is this? 030807
no reason ...james potter? 030807
sixteen ok wait.





ok. ok. so, wrong person I guess. just coincidence.
Arwyn you know, the first time I saw this blathe, I thought of Welcome back kotter.... or at least the theme song... lol those silly bastards... 030808
daxle he calls you leaving a message to give him a call back, but then doesn't answer when you call back, just so that you'll have to listen to his obnoxious voicemail message, resquesting that you "please leave an appropriate message". Whatever the hell that might be. 050814
stork daddy yeah that about sums me up all encompassingly 050815
unhinged you could always leave an inappropriate message since he never answers his damn phone or returns his damn calls 050815
stork daddy now now. you're both pretty. 050816
unhinged :-P

well the inappropriate message got you to call me back didn't it?
stork daddy i'm like clockwork really. 050816
unhinged hey 051121
stork daddy hey there. i heart you. 051121
unhinged i think i might call you. i had a minor crisis today. 051122
what's it to you?
who go