Perrier tHe JeWeL oF tHe uNiVeRsE cAn OnLy Be PeRcIeVeD oNe FaCeT aT a TiMe. 031217
Lemon_Soda A self inflicted state, ofcourse, but certainly true. I suppose the closest I can get to the concept your trying to get across is that every god has many different aspects, like Apollo of the Torments or Apollo of the Musicians. This concept transfers to anything that is. How many different types of cars can you think of? Yet they are all different spins on the same concept. Now try imagining every type of car you've ever seen all at once. Not possible. I'm sure you can squezze quite a few under your mind's eye, but I highly doubt anyone could fully concieve of all of them at once. Just one facet of the jewel at a time.

Universally? We just preffer it this way.
werewolf the diamond expands and withdraws, swells and receds into the wet slippery mud.

if you hold it in silence and frame it in words, you can make shadows dance.
book of eris perrier likes this, and so do i. 031217
pipers what i could polish you into 031218
Death of a Rose tossed behind, shine outsourced. 031221
Lemon_Soda let the jewel turn.

Death of a Rose rotation sets the gravitational pull of this falling light. 040226
what's it to you?
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