Farool I want to open the valves on all of those oil tankers...

I want to destroy something beautiful...
ashers idiocy i know you're to dim to realise how your actions affect others, but you've managed to make my professional life a living hell. i worked hard to get where i am, to overcome the acusations that my job was a family handout. I got my job because I'm good at what I do, and, up until today, I loved it. I hand picked it and fought for it the way everyone else had in the past. Using me as an example of the department [and my mother's] negligence of those in our position is, aside from being disgustingly false, cruel and unusual. Especially in light of the fact that you sent this piece of information to everyone I work with. You've insulted me and my family based on your own ill-gotten information and ignorance. Would that my words were lighter fluid, spitting from my mouth, to ignite the open flame you've exposed in me.

says: rant
asher and also:
birdmad light another clove, inhale, exhale. 080310
what's it to you?
who go