typhoid lacking the idea of superiority of any one thing over any other 000312
G_wiz13 one in another, they are pretty much the same fucking thing(except you are sleeping when you dream) 010126
G_wiz13 a dream is a thought illustrated in your mind while sleeping. 010126
misstree thought without boundaries.

anything you want, if you think to think it.
~gez~ nat is here with me. right now in my arms. i will never let go. i love you touch. you make me feel perfect inside, and i love you for it. i wish i could see you more often, and cannot understand how i manage not to. my mom told me that if i want it to last forever, i must let you have "your space" but i find it so difficult 020929
~gez~ how ironic

everwhere i go reminds me of you
blather is a shrine to us
stork daddy finally! let the beauty begin. 021124
.nom thought wakes me
thought takes me

thought makes me
thought fakes me
what's it to you?
who go