dipperwell Proves that romance need not be contrived, that old cliches and overused techniques to draw out emotion are not only shallow but pitiful and flamboyant, that getting a bunch of sentimental girls to bawl their eyes out is not the best measure of greatness nor grief.

And more importantly, captures the realities of love using a sexual minority in a way that is more universal than all those heterosexist romances.

And perhaps puts those "our parents won't let us be together, oh no" dilemmas into a greater perspective.

And to me, best of all, as much as this film will no doubt be misperceived and shredded up and poster-boyed, it showed that it - life, love, romance - is about exactly those things, not sexual orientation. Only our ideas make the latter matter.
This litmus test indicates that "yup it's him". 060214
no reason yeah, i thought it was good. a good story, not too over-the-top or sensationalized. 060303
z i have not seen it. from reviews i gather that it is a true love story where two people find one another in difficult circumstances and maintain a sporadic relationship across years. that they are both married saddens me. true love as, amongst other things, betrayal. i guess that this fact strengthens the gender issues in the film.

but i have not yet seen it.
what's it to you?
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