oren A less_interesting way of saying "stop and smell the roses." 051105
hsg dries&hardens

"like that rose that grew through a crack in the concrete"

060101 bloom_where_youre_planted




hsg, intoxicating_confusion_of_indecisiveness 051211

please play_at_tension

i love you :.

i (believe in life with) all_love_view

i believe in (knowing_all_things_are_possible) with you
i believe in (knowing_all_thing_are_possible) with all_love_view

i believe i_c a connection between complete intelligence and compassion, that hatred, fear, and anger simply get recycled into better toys of fun_derstanding.
unhinged if you ever bothered to look close enough
you would be sure to see
the hurt
deep in my eyes
at all the love expended
most of which
was never returned

i looked closely in her notebook and she had written me a note at the bottom of her assignment from last week. the general gist of it was that she thought i was an awesome teacher, in her adorably horrible first grade grammar. when i looked up to thank her, she came over to give me a big hug. aawww cuddle_bug and i squeezed her just tight enough for just long enough. kids really can be the best medicine for a lonely heart.
what's it to you?
who go