hsg this leads to hell, eventually.

as you consider, and reconsider again and again, you become weaker and weaker. and believe in yourself less and less. YOU cannot really break, but you can be quickly and painfully be snapped from your ego. like a marble bouncing on a mirror lying flat and perpendicular to gravity. the frequency increases. the half-life of time itself becomes audible. equilibrium threatens the indecision. all duality is self-healing eventually. the distance bewtween sfear and plane reaches zero. silence ensues. resting there reflecting, the only re-solution is to decide without holding back to break free of gravity.

the decision to be alive is to know all things are possible.

redundant cycles are analogous to death. nature forever designs intelligence, the very way out of death, life finds...out.

life becomes be its resolution to be what it WILL.
hsg life becomes *by its resolution to be what it WILL. 051210
Ouroboros . 110111
unhinged i don't know what you want
i'm behind you like a tail
waiting to see what happens next
unhinged i walk in front now
without checking for a tail

what's it to you?
who go