doggy Quipster gets to push the button. 000305
(z) (accomplishment is a transient valuation. capability is a measure of potential. merit is a balance between the two.) 041202
oldephebe Sooo...Are you saying that in a meritocrasy one should be judged by not just the quality of work, or amount of sales or deals you close but also by some abstract notion of potential? argument CAN be made for establishing a reliable metric for quantifying a predictive barometer of an employees value to the organization within a certain time frame, or over the course of a certain time horizon, and if the employee fails to meet certain minimum standards w/in a certain period his or her usefullness/uselessnes to the firm as a condition of thier continued employment and or fitness for promotion can be equitably determined.

another sentence straight out of a faulkneresque byzantium
() (we do not all start out as equals. we leak minutiae which is saturated with information. others interpret this info and pre judge us. we are continually judged on our potential. it is encumbent on all relationships that we use this predictive sensitivity on one another. and we do. we do it so effortlessly that it is beneath the threshold of our awareness. it is like zen.) 041202
narcissist or no hes pretty sharp i wonder what sam would say about all of this? 041202
sam I sold my merit badges so I could score some dope. 041202
u24 "quipster meritocracy"

is a googlewhack
Scotland 0 Fienesberry 3 Is that Britspeak for Jerk-off? 041203
what's it to you?
who go