last this isn't meant to last
this is for right now
birdmad look in these these blackened eyes
you'll see tenthousand lies
my lips may promis,
but my heart is a whore
kim that's what he said to me
although i couldn't hear it over
the loudness of empty promises
it was just a whisper
that i should have caught
in my net of thoughts
but for some reason i guess
i wanted to believe
that maybe this was real
not the illusion of what i want
from every guy
that's what he did for me
he weaved a web of deceit for me
to make me think he was perfect
and i was caught in his sticky web
but only for a little while
i know how to make a toungue burn
and i know how to make eyes ache
no illusion lasts long enough
to keep me captivated
instead i have learned to captivate him
and he regrets his judgement of my
who would have thought i could be so
i always thought they were the indifferent ones
now i know otherwise
it is me
i am the one who has chosen the moment
for right now.
JustOnMonday You are all I will ever need for right now. I never liked to plan ahead anyway. 040804
what's it to you?
who go