. sometimes_all_of_our_thoughts_are_misgiven 040121
jane lucky break
you won't shake
your own meal
no one will call you out
still wait it through

not again
it's taking time
to make it mine
sit in the back room now
modest to trust

made this stain
for comfort's sake

faked you out
you're not allowed
to point that finger
this system is waiting
to receive the actor's award

settle in
made this stain
for comfort's sake
sit in the back room now
modest to trust

your song bird
has just called me out

this wrong word
just might blow out

made the stain
for comfort's sake

well courage is this based on
the ranking i may have earned
less in stress

the password is so close
no clue is it in show
can't have it so slow

well courage is based on
the ranking i may have earned

your songbird
has just called me out
this wrong word
just might blow out

last call
full foreground
you come out
to face this crowd

you come down
on this ground
you speak out now

after the fact

you may come in last

this is your lucky break

sameolme Got a bird that whistles
Got a bird that sings
sameolme Baby got a bird
Baby got a bird that sings.
sameolme sorry Jane, that song
owns me right now.
? wot song is that ? 070330
sameolme Corrina Corrina; songs been around a long time, sung by many, I like Taj Mahal's. 070330
. huh ?

Taj Mahal

thats a building ?


ding dong .. what planet are you from ?

. oh sorry .. i found that now on limewire..
apologies for my ignorance.
trois mots the_charge there's_a_songbird_who_sings who_has_rolled_my_stone_away 151207
what's it to you?
who go