kaskarkaminski lamby had a thousand blathers
over the sea they'd go
they were as dumb as Jerry Mathers
even yet, .....even though..

lamby didn't get upset
as her blathers got all wet
really never has regrets
kuz he likes the friends he's met
kaskarkaminski Ouch!!!! looks like lamby got neutered on line six oh well, at least we didn't hesitate....we returned the things on line eight! what a strange, ironic fate, when one doesn't hesitate. 000805
kaskarkaminski Damn!...with ironic twisted fate, now i am completely sate; of course twas me sans hesitate, been so long since i had a date (we both know it should have been line eight)

Dates are good, dates are sweet
rock your world down to your feet
no i woot'nt hesiteet
if i had sweet dates to eat
now i'll lay me down too sleek
haven't slekt in bout a week
two or three hours awta doer
and i'll be back, bluer and bluer
kaskarkaminski hell damn spit, i can't believe this s--
will i ever get it right? will this ever rest tonight? Lamby suffered on line six, my previous entry you must nix, the one before settled the score, and for once and for all and for ever more.

*yawns happily*
what's it to you?
who go