frAnk you've got my curiosity blazing...what bizarre sexual practices do pat and you talk about? 011020
nocturnal I'm curious as well. very curious. please don't keep us in suspense like this. it's cruel. 011021
farmfish maybe DannyH is actively participating and therefore we are forced to remain in suspended incredulity. 011022
nocturnal horny bastard. 011022
DannyH I appear to have you all champing at the bit...
I have no intention of gratifying you just yet, certainly not until Liz tells me the multiple secret she withheld from me some months ago.
nocturnal you're a crafty one, aren't you? we shall see. 011025
pat We talk about him wanting me sooooo bad but not having the courage to admit that he is soooo deeply in the closet that he and aslan are drinking buddies. 011025
Inanna SCAT! That is bizarre and gross. 011025
flo "I WOULD JUST LIKE TO POINT OUT THAT THE "PAT" ABOVE IS NOT THE REAL WORLD "FLO". (I'M PAT OUT THERE AND FLO IN HERE) AND DANNYHS' SEXUAL PREFERANCES ARE NOT AN ISSUE AS I AM QUITE WELL AWARE WHAT THEY ARE." shouted Flo. Don't try being me, whoever you are, you can't fill my shoes much less anything else that i might choose to fill. Besides if i wanted to bring Dannyh and his libidinous tendencies into question i would be soooo much funnier. 011122
what's it to you?
who go