god you stupid fucking piece of ant shit.
how is it that you are still alive? you probably can't even grasp what i'm saying. i'm talking about you. you know who you are... or do you??
Toxic_Kisses Well seeing az how I'm the only one here @ the moment I don't see how I could miss it *Shrugz* but you don't bother me any so keep @ it if it amuses you 020518
god everyone BUT you, dear 020520
silently_she_screams When someone says something to you say;

"Ive heard better comebacks from a turkey sandwhich!!!!"

its really funny watching their reactions....and it shuts them up cause wat do you say to that?
TK I eat turkey sandwhiches for lunch! 020521
B&A lupa,lupa you look like turkey! 030608
endless desire turkey sandwhiches are my favourite.
funny thing though
i can never spell sandwhich.
i suppose it is sandwich.
or sandwitch. no not that one.
the thing is,
i really don't care.
all i meant to say was that i liked turkey sandwiches.

my insult
your mamas so fat,
she sat one a rainbow
and skittles popped out.
(i bet you never heard that one before)
pipedream umm...i have :D

you're so ugly, when you were born the doctor slapped your mother

ones i actually use include reference to being a lump of goat turd, rabid goat/monkey/animal of choice and cretinous blob.
what's it to you?
who go