oneiros_blue i misspelled a word, but here's the gist

the part most american males doesnt know exists

extremely sensitive

mutilated at circumcision


and no one cares

does that sound right?

dont want to be antisemitic, but definitely all about anti-circumcision
captcha There is no way to compare male circumcision, in which the penis will still function as it would have otherwise, and female genital mutilation, in which her vagina is sewn shut so that she can be "tight" for her husband and childbirth takes days and usually results in someone's death, her labia are sliced off, and her clitoris - that lovely little clump of nerve endings that is the only way for 75% of women to have an orgasm - is cut off. Usually with something like a piece of glass or a knife and no local anesthesia. And at a much later age than male circumcision. There's just no comparing it.

That said, I think any body modifications for non-medical purposes can wait until someone is old enough to decide.

Girls have frenulums too. It's the piece of skin at the bottom of her vaginal labia. It sometimes rips during childbirth. And it is what hurts me terribly. Mine is too taut.
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