silentbob Pretty dead tonight; maybe they'll send me home early again. 180728
silentbob i let my friend katie pick out all the music for tonight and am periodically peppering in things that fit. it is pretty successful so far, though i would rather it be more dancey. 180929
silentbob New Year's Eve dance party!
I haven't done a dance party since the above date, because I went to Texas in October and then it was Thanksgiving, so now this is my December night. They are paying me 3x more than normal so I am a little nervous. New Year's is always more packed than a typical Saturday.
silentbob Oh right, Savage Garden! 190126
silentbob while this_must_be_the_place plays after 1:30am, I am scouring the internet for pterodactyl wallpaper for my new laptop. 190126
silentbob It turns out my regular bar had a cancellation and so they asked if I could sub in at 10. I did have a gig from 7-9 but otherwise there is no reason not to. 2 gigs in 1 night! 2x the pay! 190208
silentbob ending the Carly Rae Jepsen night with "He Needs Me" from Popeye / Punch_drunk_love 190526
unhinged check her out:

what's it to you?
who go