stork daddy the bullshitter has a reckless disregard for the truth. they want to be ascribed the same validity as one who strives to speak truly, but they do not actually even need any subjective belief as to the truth or falsity of what they say. they just want you to think they know. they're passing themselves off as something they're not. and it is how they go about knowing and communicating that makes it bullshit. sometimes they might say something true, but that's only usually a means to their end of not having to know what's true or not, just having to know how to make you think they know. bullshit can even be well-intentioned, but it usually is not. i'm making all of this up right now. i'm sorry. but now that this has been honestly spoken, i can't be accused of bullshitting, but merely of attempting with limited means. and what if there really is no such thing as "truth"....then all we can say about a bullshitter is that they do not comport themselves or their assertions with the same amount of consistency and stability as we view in the world. maybe that they feel as cleopatra did is true to them...but to one with a different view we say there is no way they'd know so they must be bullshitting. of course all metaphors and analogizing involves a degree of bullshit. 050521
misstree i'd say it's the attempt to put forth truth as you know it vs knowledge of falsehood that draws the line between bullshittery and innocent ignorant attempts.

and i must say, bullshittery is a fabulous word and will be incorporated into my vocabulary at the next possible opportunity. too much fun to say.
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? Iraq's_Saddam_in_his_underwear___... 050521
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