Borealis dreamed about you last night 040630
puredream I wish you hadn't. 040630
Borealis not a blackhoodiesweatshirt 040630
Borealis could have been worse 040630
JdAwG Dream about him all you want. Maybe one day you'll realize that dreaming about the boy who doesn't love you is tearing you apart from those who really do. And when you finally realize that, give me a call. 040630
Borealis don't mistake this for someone who doesn't care.

I'm trying

Borealis no longer an option.

has it occured to you that, I miss YOU sometimes?
and in this particular case, I'm pretty sure its not because I walked away.
guess who again some people don't walk out. some people just plain avoid. don't like who i am around you anymore. 040826
Borealis would you believe, if I can no longer tell which one of you is speaking.


the thought of one hurts...
the thought of the other kills...

is slowly backing away...
what's it to you?
who go