nomme by what i know not
blinds me
camille to fill my seconds with hours, to be so busy i have no quiet moment to deal with being alone, although surrounded by people i am the only one in the room

they don't notice me shhh
jezabel my breath still charges forth
with heated intent,
my body still aches,
poised just before quivering
and whispers, demands your touch.

i still feel your voice at my ear,
feel the tense longing that carried
such electricity, that belied the potential
fire between us.

how do i set this aside,
this scarlet torrent that has
pained my whole world.

even silvery tongues and thoughts and truths
cannot silence this insistence,
this drive, this need
for something i will be forever denied.

moments pass; worlds shift.
somehow, time will find me free of
thoughts and hopes and lusts and tastes
of what i hate to dream of,
and i will feel the touch of regret
as i turn from such empassioned need.
jezabel needs to edit better pained = painted 030823
.nom i am carried 050122
what's it to you?
who go