Piso Mojado It's too early for this, she said, true understanding only comes with trust and trust can only come with time.

That's bullshit, I said- twisting a lock of her hair between two fingers.

We have understood each other since the beginning. When we met, we had millions of lives behind us- the philosophies of mankind, the nature of love, the spark when we meet in sacred stance romance in the privacy of a million lives who have loved. We had already discussed this.
Piso Mojado We sit on sienna couches- cushions bursting with orange.

We laugh at each other's attempts at anger. We sing lyrics to the pop-songs of our childhood. We practice French phrases before bed, only to forget them all in the delight of Paris before our youthful eyes. We hold hands under the table. I wash your feet- you lean against the wall, eyes closed- I kneel and scrub gingerly. We drink coffee in the silence of the morning.
what's it to you?
who go