Brad One word that, in many states in the southeast, replaces four others: "I told you so." Right now i would say this to boof_pixie_molly_go_lightly regarding her choice to take a job as a waitress. I feel your pain molly... as soon as i re-download instant messenger i'll be happy to hear you rant. 000601
The Schleiffen Man toljaso (tol-ja-so)
AKA "tolyaso"
AKA "told you so"
AKA "dumbass, i told you"

Be on the look out for this common but sneaky Southern concoction.
MollyGoLightly I wish I would have listened to your Toldjaso, brad, even though I stand by my belief that everyone needs to wait tables at least once.

I think I'm going to stay a month, then start looking for other employment.
youlanda do you guys have southern accents and everything? 000601
Brad haha Youlanda... no, I don't think any of us do. Not to any great degree, anyhow. Molly is from oklahoma, Errol is suitably nordic, and I'm from Memphis... I somehow escaped. We do, however, HEAR southern accents alot, so we're reasonably educated on the subject. 000601
silentbob brad

i love you
what's it to you?
who go