amy it's a very, very fine line.
so learn about the world at heart.
give up on parts of yourself,
hear other people's outlooks,
be glad,
devote stuff (make offerings),
feel loved.
and don't do drugs.
bloody potato chip don't? 010628
paste! goldilocks has to earn the morse code, then she can dive off. 010628
black-dyed gel product Drugs are for children. 010628
black-dyed gel product Drugs are for children. 010628
black-dyed gel product You heard me. Drugs are for children. 010628
paste! nope. drugs are for me. children are for sex. 010629
god what's this blue thing doing here? 010818
unhinged if those last two are mutually exclusive, i don't know if i can handle the second last one. i would have a hard time buying christmas presents for all my friends. 010818
raven drugs are for god 010818
god fuck yeh! 010818
unhinged ben franklin was on the right track when he said that god made beer cause he just wanted us to be happy. 010818
phil then ben franklin died 030120
amy nada oh yeah, pick it up. and did ben franklin go about making new words? *doubts it* 100407
what's it to you?
who go