raze "fools come in all shapes and sizes." 230329
raze "you need someone who satisfies your intellectual promiscuity." 230331
raze "life is a fucking zoo. the only thing is, most of the animals aren't in cages." 230411
raze "don't let your guilt suspend your adequate thoughts." 230413
raze "could you please convert your sugar to honesty?" 230422
tender_square "there are no wrong choices, just different outcomes." 230428
raze "age doesn't equal insight. actually, it works against you." 230501
tender_square "it'll all be okay." 230502
raze "you shouldn't have to give up the things you care about." 230515
raze "god doesn't have a plan. it's all just one big free-for-all." 230524
raze "just because a person turns out to be a piece of shit, that doesn't diminish or negate the good things you did for them." 230527
raze "everyone's in a hurry to go nowhere." 230613
raze "it's important to care. it distinguishes you from the assholes." 230616
tender_square "it's not all about you, ruby." 230616
tender_square "things always work out. it may not happen on your timeline, but it always works out." 230617
raze "don't be chopping the liver before the onions melt." 230621
raze "we're stuck with who we are. so hopefully the good outweighs the bad." 230622
raze "people do what they want to until they're forced not to." 230710
raze "the more you learn about humanity, the more frustrating it gets." 230711
raze "i think squirrels were god's way of making up for dropping the ball when he made human beings. he probably thought to himself, 'well, i fucked that right up. but i can at least give these little creatures all the attributes they need to survive in a harsh world and make them extra special.'" 230714
raze "there's no logic in stupidity." 230804
raze "if you're gonna be introspective, you better respect the intro." 230812
raze "you can never expect people to understand any pain or suffering that's not their own." 230818
e_o_i He's just being goofy on this one, but I appreciate him being willing to talk while working (he's mopping the kitchen floor; I'm downloading a book on the History of Linguistics, chapter by chapter).

Me, grumbling: "I didn't know the Romans were so into linguistics. That's why Rome fell."

Him: "Yes. Must have been it. They were too busy working out the differences between the optative and the subjunctive, and then the barbarians overran the gates."
raze "if you don't have regrets, then you've never lived." 230820
past don't stop pedaling. 230820
raze "it's about trying to fill your life up with whatever is going to help you make it from one fucking day to the next." 230821
raze "we give too much to the wrong people." 230825
tender_square "if you change the meeting space you change the mojo." 230827
raze "you need a bun with a backbone." 230830
raze "take care of yourself. no one else will." 230901
tender_square "karma always catches up with people like that in ways you wouldn't expect it to." 230901
raze "all politicians are actors. some better than others." 230905
raze "if you expect simplicity, you get stupidity." 230921
raze "i doesn't matter who it is. if you give someone your time, they'll take it." 230923
raze "the secret to life is to try and get through it." 230926
raze "everybody's fucked up." 231004
past even the people who look like they have their shit together are making it up as they go.

also, don't say shit at school.
raze "life is about choices. if you love someone, you make a choice to accept them." 231007
raze "you can waste your life waiting for someone you care about to be the person you need them to be." 231011
raze "your value isn't determined by what other people say or think about you or what you do." 231014
raze "i hear there's a waiting list to get into hell." 231019
raze "we all have our little suppositories of life." 231101
raze "it's in our nature to be nice. that's our downfall in some respects." 231102
raze "there's nothing worse than a laughing pickle." 231105
raze "luck only lasts so long." 231106
raze "if someone cares about you and they're willing to help you, you're not allowed to use them as a punching bag." 231107
raze "in redundancy there is assuredness." 231108
raze "there's creativity in getting up every day and finding a way to get through it." 231125
raze "it's easier to be part of a group, even when the group is made up of horrible people who do things that make you deeply uncomfortable. most people don't want to do what we do." 231128
raze "before you get involved with someone, there should be some sort of maturity test. even if the other person was full of shit, their answers to the questions posed would say a lot about who they really are." 231202
raze "we're all just one closed door away from being insane." 231208
raze "thank god for swearing. where the fuck would we be without it?" 231211
raze "writing is an individual expression. it's not what someone else thinks is good." 231215
raze "everything is ridiculous." 231217
raze "when the lights are out, we all look pretty much the same." 231222
kerry "people who want power are the least who deserve it." 231223
Soma It doesn’t matter if you meant to do something good, it matters how the law and the people who use the law, will look at it. Always think of that.” 231223
raze "we're responsible for what we say and what we do. otherwise, we're just a pool of shit." 231226
raze "it's easy to find fault with someone else when you don't do anything about your own faults." 240104
raze "critics are like farts. they stink, but eventually they go away." 240106
raze "life is like an enema. there's a lot of shit to get through." 240108
raze "one person's reality is another person's pancake." 240117
raze "if you can find something that gives you joy, you're way ahead of most people. 240128
raze "frivolity is alive and well, said the snake to the grasshopper." 240225
raze "the death of a family member or friend brings out the real in people." 240226
raze "it never hurts to have more socks." 240229
e_o_i "If humanity is to survive, we need to shift from a consumer to a conserver society." 240301
raze "if something's important, you have to fight for it. otherwise, you're fucked." 240309
raze "most people fail the test of civility." 240311
raze "everything is a decision." 240410
raze "sometimes mistakes turn into erections." 240412
raze "you're more than what you read on the internet." 240414
raze "there's no law against aging in reverse." 240424
raze "when you're surrounded by problems, it's generally not the best idea to sit in the middle of the circle." 240516
raze "might as well dedicate your life to what's ailing you, if you can." 240521
raze "kindness should never be negated by thoughtlessness." 240530
raze "some people just aren't capable of understanding anything, no matter how simply you explain it to them." 240601
raze "if they put street lights in the middle of the road, cars would drive into them." 240603
raze "a forecast isn't a forecast if it's wrong. it's just a cast." 240606
raze "don't we all, in life, want someone who will clean the folds of fat on our bodies? the difficulty is finding a person willing to take on that responsibility." 240616
raze "you can get a sense of what kind of person someone is just by looking at their face. sometimes you're right. and sometimes the guess is wrong." 240618
raze "everything has an end." 240619
raze "the more expectations you have, the more disappointed you'll be. if you have no expectations, maybe once or twice in your life you'll be pleasantly surprised." 240708
raze "you can't be afraid of everything." 240717
raze "one of the most difficult things in life is to find a reliable, respectful friend." 240721
raze "i don't think there are miracles in politics." 240722
raze "time heals all fools." 240728
raze "when someone who's at least ten years older than you walks past you like you're standing still, there's a message there." 240731
raze "books are fun. their only demand is that they be read." 240816
e_o_i I stood in front of his study room, twisting from side to side and revealing how I felt stuck and useless.

"It makes sense that you're feeling bad," he said. "For one thing, David just left for England."

And when I also complained about my shortcomings this week in writing and to-do lists and job searches, he encouraged me to do a specific thing: "I think you had a good idea before - why not write your former prof about job leads?"

(Two former profs. But after I talked to him, I did this - finally mustering_my_courage after delaying a whole week, however much I quibbled over little words like "regards.")
raze "money can't buy intelligence." 241005
raze "it's up to us to fix it." 241019
raze "stupid people ruin people." 241125
Soma Always drill a test hole 241126
raze "animals got it right. people fucked it up." 241201
raze "there's an idiot in every toilet." 241216
raze "being dead doesn't erase your stupidities." 241230
raze "there's no sex in this house, except for what we administer to ourselves." 250106
raze "you never know who you'll run into in a parking lot." 250117
raze "you can do more harm to yourself than anyone else can." 250121
what's it to you?
who go