amy you guys just use it -- tell other people about it too.

blather has always been divided into two camps, and they have always frustrated each other to no end. i would name them, but i can't do it impartially, i'm so very biased about it. one camp tends to say more, and the other to say less, for good reasons. one camp is more about people, one about words. but, people are pretty tolerant, I guess it's just when one starts to win too much, or something. the way people structure it sort of dictates what content and how much of it gets on there. (although i will say that it's a little hard for the quieter ones to really win, ever, if they ever really wanted to). i have to keep reminding myself that my life doesn't care about this.

what do you guys think? making new ones isn't that hard, actually. thank sage, too.
chanaka i like mars
it is unblemished and barren (like my sandwiches)
and not that noisy
someone said that blathering is like shouting in a crowded cathedral--mars is like shouting in an empty chapel.
lots of reverb.
what's it to you?
who go