sab everything_changes 050802
misstree THUD
would argue.
sab i would argue nothing is even final, cause everything_changes

so even when something stops, it jsut changes and continues.

do-si-do and off we go
misstree yeah, that's why i said THUD would argue... because Thud is chewing so hard on my brain that it has squeezed out all the juice that remembers joy and elation and evolution and being anywhere but up_shit_creek. so since i can't argue with Thud, i allow meself to be its mouthpiece.
go go gadget change!
*squeezes her eyes shut and wishes she had a fast forward button to get to the good bits.*
sab i will wish on the first mouse i find for you 050802
IGGs rant day which is equally good
and equally bad
and is very logical
yet also profound
and annoying because you continue to ask me the questions we both know the answers to.
stop it dammit
you said it was final and we were sorted
yet each time we come back to this.
hell you know what?
if you ask me again i'll just do it to make you shut up.
what's it to you?
who go