flowerock Love_is_my_religion was playing and a coworker and I  were both singing along.
"I_love_you" said my coworker to me as he clocked out. I said I sometimes want to tell people they are loved too. He asked "Want a hug?" So we hugged and he said he'd try not to die biking home and as he walked his bike out he turned and said
"But at least I'd die happy"
I felt a little awkward, but also grateful and a little nourished.  Sincere_human we could_be_anyone and everyone could be us. I th ink I feel more strange about the fAct that it felt awkward at all than the actual interaction. Why_doubt?
Lemon_Soda beautiful. 150201
Flowerock I got over feeling weird about it. Sometimes i_love_you is too strong a phrase to accept or reflect, I question_motives... have to get_over_myself... And loventually trust_in_humanity and the reality of simple_sincerity

Also it helps to know that he has a girl_friend and they appear to be just as happy as my_lover_and_I are ; )
(Thank you Facebook! For the ability to stalk semi strangers)
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